Resources for Graduate Students

Beyond the Professoriate (BTF) is an eLearning Platform with on-demand, self-paced learning modules that allow Master's, PhDs, and Postdocs to explore career options and discover ways to apply the skills acquired through their education. You can access the modules in any order and if you decide to complete 7 core modules, you earn a certificate of completion. 

(Choose "York University" from the list of institutions and log in using your Passport York username and password.) 

New courses available on BTF to help you prepare for the job search! 

BTF’s curated content consists of videos, and it provides information for students across disciplines in the Arts & Sciences. It was designed and built by PhDs - the Beyond the Professoriate team, as well as all of the contributors who deliver workshops and participate in career panels and interviews, are experts in their field who also successfully completed a PhD in the areas of Arts, Social Sciences, STEM, Business, and Education. If you’re curious about the skills you’ve acquired throughout your studies, potential non-academic careers, or strategies for applying and securing non-academic employment, BTF is an invaluable resource. 

Beyond the Professoriate (BTF) benefits graduate students by: 

  • supporting career exploration. 

  • providing accessible, well-curated resources for busy graduate students. 

  • promoting engaged learning through reflective activities that encourage students to apply what they’ve learned. 

  • complementing existing on-campus graduate student career supports. 

  • offering recorded seminars, reflective prompts, and assessments that guide the student experience and foster user engagement. 

You can bring your knowledge and degree to many career fields. But don't just take our word for it—BTF has interviews with over 170 graduates. Listen to their stories and see for yourself. 

Career Centre Workshops, Appointments, and Services: 

Preparing for an Academic Career Path 

Faculty of Grad Studies 

Non-Academic Career Resources: 

  • ImaginePhD: a free, online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. 

  • From CV to Resume by Kim Thompson and Terren Ilana Wein, Chronicle of Higher Education. 

Academic Career Resources: 

Faculty of Graduate Studies offers a range of personal mental health and well-being appointments, webinars and workshops to help you navigate life as a graduate student. 

FGS Certificate in Personal Wellness and Learning Skills is free and open to all York graduate students. 

The Faculty of Graduate Studies' IDP is a tool to assist graduate students in identifying and developing their goals during their studies. Graduate students that elect to complete an IDP can receive a Certificate of Completion to highlight on their resumé/CV. 

Contact Us

Virtual, 202 McLaughlin College

The Career Centre offers a hybrid service model for career advising and counselling services.  You are welcome to schedule virtual or in-person appointments. 

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (virtually and in-person)

New Monday Virtual Evening Hours for Career Advising 5-7PM starting October 16, 2023!

Summer Fridays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (operating virtually from May to August)