Research educational options

If you've determined that the occupation you're interested in requires post- graduate study—or that you would increase your odds of success in your chosen career with some education beyond the Bachelor's level—begin to research the different programs available and the institutions that offer them. 

Questions for research include: 

  • Is this program recognized by the industry I'm interested in?   
  • What are the admission requirements? 
  • Is an audition, portfolio or interview required?
  • Is an entrance exam or standardized test necessary? (some educational programs like law school, medical school and graduate programs require you to write a qualifying exam e.g. GRE, MCAT, LSAT etc. ) Booklets about many of these tests can be accessed online
  • What are the costs associated with this program? 

Contact Us

Virtual, 202 McLaughlin College

The Career Centre offers a hybrid service model for career advising and counselling services.  You are welcome to schedule virtual or in-person appointments. 

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (virtually and in-person)

New Monday Virtual Evening Hours for Career Advising 5-7PM starting October 16, 2023!

Summer Fridays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (operating virtually from May to August)