Dress for interview success

Looking the part is an essential part of interview success, but a tight student budget doesn’t always allow for a full professional wardrobe. Fortunately, there are resources available to help you dress the part without breaking the bank. 

Career Centre Resources 


Attire: Does It Really Matter What You Wear? [PDF - 154 kB] 

Body Language: Positive & Receptive vs. Negative & Unreceptive [PDF - 99 kB] 

Professional Image [PDF - 319 kB] 

Additional Resources: 

Need help with professional attire for your interview? These organizations can assist: 

New Circles Community Services: A not-for-profit, grass-roots agency that builds strong and caring communities by providing clothing and skills training programs to equity-deserving individuals. 

Dress for Success (Toronto): Specializes in helping women prepare for upcoming interviews by selecting professional outfits and accessories. They also provide support and guidance to boost confidence during the interview process. 


Contact Us

Virtual, 202 McLaughlin College

The Career Centre offers a hybrid service model for career advising and counselling services.  You are welcome to schedule virtual or in-person appointments. 

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (virtually and in-person)

New Monday Virtual Evening Hours for Career Advising 5-7PM starting October 16, 2023!

Summer Fridays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (operating virtually from May to August)